How Much Do You Know About Pre-Production WNGO? [oc]

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This is a quiz regarding the pre-production stage of WNGO! Most people probably don’t know a lot of this, but that’s cause it’s an oc universe that I mostly produced by myself, but recently with the help of my gf :D

Don’t get strung up over your results, any result above 0% basically makes you a fckin genius dude- I didn’t even know most of this stuff until I looked back in my pre product docs

Created by: Brynnstic of Tommies epic socials!
(your link here more info)
  1. What was Lucas' original name?
  2. What was Twiz’s original hair type?
  3. Are there characters that were cut from WNGO as a whole?
  4. Which character was designed first?
  5. Which character's personality was created first?
  6. One character was originally going to be trans, but I scrapped it. Who was it?
  7. One song inspired the entirety of WNGO, which one was it?
  8. 2 of the WNGO characters go by their nicknames, which one of them was given a real name first?
  9. Was WNGO always going to take place during 2002?
  10. Who is the newest addition to WNGO [this does not include post canon characters such as Melodie and Lucas]
  11. How many raccoons has Toms owned?
  12. Lastly: what is the name of Twiz’s childhood cat?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Pre-Production WNGO? [oc]
