How much do you know about Me?

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Most people assume they know everything about me when they don't. I'm 14, and a Pyro, plus multiple other things. I'm happy with my life and would'nt change a thing.:)

Eh, how bout random song snipets? I.hate.Everything about love you?-All about us, all about us, it's all about love, Cause you know us, It's all about us.

Created by: Hephaestuschild

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my favorite color?
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  4. Which one is NOT one of my usernames?
  5. My full name is-
  6. My favorite flower?
  7. I live with-
  8. Which is my favorite Element?
  9. The evil voice in my head is named-
  10. My eye color is-

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Me?