How well do you know me?

Very few people can say that they know someone really well and I'd like to know who pays attention to thing that matter to me and who knows me really well. So step right up and see how well you know me!

How well do you know Kaydee? Are you an acquaintance or do you actually know things about me beside what I look like? Until now, you could only assume how well you knew me. But know, you can test yourself and see exactly how well you know me. Then you can honestly say how well you know me!

Created by: kaydee
  1. How many siblings do I have?
  2. What is my favourite colour?
  3. Where do my ancestors mainly come from?
  4. When is my birthday?
  5. Which of the following places to I want to go to before I die?
  6. Which disorder do I have?
  7. Have I ever broken a bone?
  8. What is my nephews name, and how old is he? (o.O, two part question!)
  9. What is my favourite television show?
  10. What are four sports I have done in my life thus far?
  11. What is my favourite book?
  12. How many cell phones have I done thru?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?