How Much Do You Know About Kung Fu Panda?

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Hahaha it is time to test your Kung Fu Panda knowledge!!! Are you excited? Clink this link and kick us off!!! "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present."----Mater Oogway.

It does not matter you didn't get a high score that you'd expected, it is just a fun way to pass the time, isn't it? So good luck, and have fun!!!

Created by: Stephanie
  1. What is Po's Stepfather's last-name?
  2. What is the group name of the 5 masters?( Tigress, Viper, Monkey, Crane and Mantis)
  3. How many years had Tai Lung stayed in the prison?
  4. How do people call the peacock who ruled Gong Man City?
  5. Master Rhino's death was caused by...
  6. Before learning Kung Fu, what job did Crane had?
  7. What Kung Fu technique did Po learn in the third movie of Kung Fu Panda?
  8. On the Moon festival, Viper found...
  9. Po wanted to be...
  10. What is the record of Po eating bean bans?
  11. Soothsayer foretold if the Peacock continued down his dark path...
  12. Woo~ Last One! What is the name of the birth-place of Kung Fu?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Kung Fu Panda?
