Find Out Which Character are You In Harry Potter!

Want to find out which character are you in Harry Potter? Hahaha! Clink this link and fire away!!!!!!!! You might be Tonks, Sirius or even He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!

I really hope you enjoy this, and please don't take the result really seriously, it is just a fun little test to pass the time!!!!!!!!!It does not matter if you are the bad guy!! Have fun!!

Created by: Stephanie
  1. Are you a male or a female?
  2. Thank you. Now, which of these below is your favourite way to pass the time?
  3. Very good. What colour is your hair? If you don't wanna say it, pick the one you expected it to be.
  4. Interesting. Which house are you in? If unsorted, pick your favourite.
  5. You are impatient.
  6. Who is your LEAST favourite character?
  7. Sirius Black is evil.
  8. When you saw Lord Voldemort, you....
  9. One day, you saw your enemy, you...
  10. Professor Snape put you in detention for no reason, you...

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Quiz topic: Find Out Which Character am I In Harry Potter!
