How much do you agree with Mishism?

Simple quiz mostly meant for friends to see how much they agree with me politically. I'm not sure how I should continue this paragraph, so I'm just putting filler here

Already explained everything in the first paragraph: Simple quiz mostly meant for friends to see how much they agree with me politically. I'm not sure how I should continue this paragraph, so I'm just putting filler here

Created by: mish
  1. What type of state arrangement should there be
  2. How would the economy work?
  3. How should the ownership of the means of production be held
  4. How would religion influence a society
  5. Should technology play a role in society?
  6. Should there be a federal democracy in a society?
  7. If a formerly voluntary state formed under panarchism were to forcefully recruit members, do said members have the right to defend themselves?
  8. What is nationality?
  9. Are social contracts valid?
  10. What are your views on taxation?
  11. Are you a reactionary or a progressive?

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Quiz topic: How much do I agree with Mishism?
