How much do u know about us??

Well I just made this quiz recently just to see how many of our friends actually pay attention to things in our life and care about us to know some important facts about us...kinda but you know.

So, if you think that you actually know somthing about me and aaron take the test or if u just think you know everything give it a shot and lets see how you do...

Created by: Jennifer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my real name?
  2. What is my middle name that I picked out from my christian church?
  3. what is my boyfriends name?
  4. What's the name of my puppy?
  5. How did aaron and i meet?
  6. Aaron and I are both what astroligical sign?
  7. Aarons birthday is.....
  8. In the month of october what comes first in our list of dates all right in a row
  9. What type of vecchile(s) do i drive
  10. what is aarons pimp car?
  11. How many actual siblings do i have
  12. How many siblings does aaron have? not counting half bros or sis
  13. I attend what college?
  14. What does Aaron do for a living
  15. Where was the last place I actually worked?
  16. Aaron and I have what type(s) of phones?
  17. Aaron has recieved awards and recognitions in what sport
  18. I have recieved metals and trophies in what sport(s)
  19. The best friend i call my sister is...
  20. My father was in what branch of the military
  21. what kind of beer is aarons favorite?
  22. My favorite type of brew is
  23. The name of my paintball teeam i play for is called what?
  24. Aarons best friend is...
  25. I will soon be moving and living in what state?
  26. What is the current color of our living room, and carpet
  27. I recently got aaron what movie on new years?
  28. Aaron and I will soon be working at the same place which is called?
  29. My favorite sunday night show is....
  30. Aaron and i have been together for about how long as of april 3rd...
  31. Aaron laughed at me for doing what lately
  32. We smaoke what kind of cigarettes?
  33. Aaron is how many years older then me?
  34. Aaron and i have...
  35. Aarons favorite sport to watch is...
  36. my favorite sport to watch is...
  37. My favorite color is...
  38. My eyes are what color?
  39. Aaron has what color eyes?
  40. People I like to hang out with the most in andrews....

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