how much do u know about Robert Pattinson ?

Do you think you know Robert Pattinson? If you think you do take the quiz to find out. I am a major Twi-hard.Plz Don't Judge Me. Edward Anthoney Masen Cullen is amazeing and sexy.

Here is the names of all the Cullens. Edward Cullen,Bella Swan/Cullen,Rosile Hale,Jasper Hale,Alice Cullen,Esme Cullen,Carlise Cullen and the youngest Renesme Cullen.

Created by: namula
  1. What is his full name ?
  2. What is his nickname?
  3. What is his starsign?
  4. What is his hometown ?
  5. How tall is he ?
  6. What is his hair color ?
  7. What is his eye color?
  8. What is his favorite sport?
  9. What is his birthday?
  10. Last question What girl fashion leaves him confused?

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