How much do I know my bff

Hello! Today I will be testing out how much I really know my bff and if I fail i’ll Be really disappointed in myself cuz we talk on the phone EVERYDAY

I hope I do good cuz she’s my bff and I love her and she’s amazing and yeah I’m so lucky to have her as a friend/in my life and it’s just amazing!!!!!

Created by: Alanah
  1. how old is Victoria?
  2. When was Victoria born?
  3. What’s Victoria’s full name
  4. Does Victoria have any nieces?
  5. Does Vicky have any nephews?
  6. Does Vicky have any pets?
  7. What are Vicky’s pets
  8. What are Vicky’s pets names?
  9. Does Vicky have a BFF
  10. Whats Vicky’s BFF name?
  11. Does Vicky have a yt channel?
  12. Whats Vicky’s yt channel called

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