How much are you like me?

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Above your quiz there will be two paragraphs that introduce and explain your quiz. Write them here. Now why this is? Don't ask. No one knows. Nobody knows.

Swonk ydobon. Swonk eno on. Ksa t'nod. si siht yhw won. Ereh meht etirw. Ziuq ruoy nialpxe dna ecudortni taht shpargarap owt eb lliw ereht ziuq ruoy evoba.

Created by: Draobyek
  1. Are you single?
  2. Do you like anime?
  3. Can you sing?
  4. Do you listen to MCR?
  5. Do you listen to Imagine Dragons?
  6. Do you label yourself?
  7. Which of these are you in?
  8. Do you speak more than one language (fluently)?
  9. Do you like to swim?
  10. Do you wear a watch everyday?

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Quiz topic: How much am I like me?

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