How much are you from the Quad Cities?

The Quad Cities is a region that uses chuncks of two states and four major cities with several outlying towns. It is the largest metropolitan area on the Mississippi River between Minneapolis, MN and St. Louis, MO. It is also the largest area along the Interstate 80 area between Chicago and Des Moines.

Do you know the Quad Cities? Do you live here? Test your knowledge with this quiz and see how much you know about the Quad Cities. You might learn a few thing with this quiz! Good Luck!

Created by: bdbughman

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  1. What is "The Bridge"?
  2. Which major company is headquartered in Moline?
  3. What are the two major rivers that flow through the Quad Cities
  4. How many Arches are on the Centinnel Bridge?
  5. What is the Rock Island Arsenal?
  6. Where is Niabi Zoo?
  7. Where is the area's first Dairy Queen located at?
  8. Which local pizza place invented the Taco Pizza?
  9. Which Grocery Store has the most locations in the Quad Cities?
  10. Which city holds the Mississippi Valley Fair every year?
  11. What is the name of the Minor League Baseball team that plays in the area?
  12. What is the name of the Minor League professional hockey team that plays in the area?
  13. Which store has only one location in the area?
  14. Which restaurant chain does not have a location in the Quad Cities?
  15. Which store does not have a location in the Quad Cities?
  16. Which store just recently opened up a location on the Illinois side of the river after only having one location on the Iowa side?
  17. Which two states make up the Quad Cities?
  18. Which city is United Township High School located in?
  19. What is the mascot of Augustana College?
  20. What is the Quad Cities' NBC affiliate that has been consistently been number one in the market for news?
  21. Where is the Figge Art Museum located at?
  22. Which City has the biggest population in the area?
  23. Which person is from the Quad Cities?
  24. Have you ever been to the Quad Cities?

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Quiz topic: How much am I from the Quad Cities?