How mexican are you?

We've all been admiring mexicans from afar. They're culture, the way they live, what they eat, how they talk, and they're really weird water that makes normal people sick.

Are YOU a mexican? Do you have the qualities to possess the power of true Mexicanism? You will soon find out. Now, quit reading. 99% of people do't read this part anyway.

Created by: the epic 1
  1. How good are you at hopping fences?
  2. How many toppings do you put on your tacos?
  3. What is your favorite food?
  4. How often do you shower?
  5. Do you know what a Cholo is?
  6. How many spanish words do you know?
  7. How many spanish words do you know?
  8. How many spanish words do you know?
  9. How many spanish words do you know?
  10. How many spanish words do you know?
  11. Was this quiz Awesome?

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Quiz topic: How mexican am I?