How mean are you

There are many mean people and many nice people. The question this quiz answers is are you mean or not find out today! So please take this quiz. Hope u like it.

I'm not done! Cuz they make you write two paragraphs. Oh well. Anyway, there are about twelve questions and please answer honestly for honest results.

Created by: Baba109
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You r usually the one:
  2. Someone interupts u, what do u do?
  3. How many people do u hate
  4. How many people hate YOU?
  5. Are u too competitive?
  6. Is group of friends known as the mean ones
  7. Are u envied?
  8. (No effect) What color is ur hair
  9. Out of these choices,which person is ur favorite character on zoey 101
  10. (No effect) what do u think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How mean am I