How long to get on the grid?

My dad is a former FBI Special Agent, having joined in 1973 (right at the end of J. Edgar Hoover. He even has a letter signed by him). He's got tons of good stories and I'm sure a lot insight into the FBI/federal government. I thought it would be fun to share some of these things with reddit and I might even hear some things from him that I hadn't before.

My mom is a former FBI Special Agent, having joined in 1973 (right at the end of J. Edgar Hoover. He even has a letter signed by him). He's got tons of good stories and I'm sure a lot insight into the FBI/federal government. I thought it would be fun to share some of these things with reddit and I might even hear some things from him that I hadn't before.

Created by: lololololol
  1. What is serialization?
  2. Java is...
  3. If I say "install tomcat", you will...
  4. I connect to a database using...
  5. A host certificate does what?
  6. I build queries using
  7. A server side resource does which of these?
  8. To start Tomcat, which of these commands do you use?
  9. What does the following error message probably mean? "Defective credential detected [Caused by: Proxy file (/tmp/x509up_u3533) not found"
  10. Which of these documents contains information about the hosting institution for a service?

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