how livlely are you?

everyone has energy! people with to much energy are considered crazy. so are you lively? do you love to run around and play tag or are you more shy? do you like to sit and read alone?

are you a good freind? can you act well around others? why are you taking this quiz? well mostlikely because your bored but.... you should want to see are you the lief of the party?

Created by: mickeyjoe333

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you rather be doing...
  2. how do you act around the guy/girl you like?
  3. when your freinds have problems they...
  4. your favorite activity is....
  5. someone says somthing bad about you you most common reply is...
  6. you see your self as
  7. your freinds see you as
  8. you have
  9. during gym you...
  10. what are you hoping for?

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Quiz topic: How livlely am I?