How Likely Are You to Die Soon?

Are you going to die soon? YES Are you going to die soon? MAYBE Are you going to die soon? SORTA Are you going to die soon? NOT REALLY Are you going to die soon? NO

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!

Created by: a dead person

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a lot of friends?
  2. Do you have a lot of enemies?
  3. How's your family? Get along well?
  4. Do you have any problems, disabilities, diseases, etc. (or are you just plain freaky?)
  5. Do you have a job/go to school? How do you spend the days?
  6. Positivity is the key to...?
  7. Do you inflict injuries and pain upon yourself or have any suicidal thoughts?
  8. How often do you spend time around a television, computer, cell phone, or video game console? (electronics)
  9. Out of these, you would rather...
  10. Do you like me? Because if you don't, I'll KEEL YOU. With a long, bloody knife. LOL JK I'll just hire Chuck Norris.
  11. Do you know a person whose initials are R.D?

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Quiz topic: How Likely am I to Die Soon?