How is your mental state?

this is a quiz on what is always on your mind and what are your future references, like will you be an actor. I liked adding a bunch of random questions, but all of them mean something

What are you actually like? You can get help in finding out with this quiz, so please take it and find out. This is all based on a book so its made up of smart stuff.

Created by: Lysi
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your mother asks if you want to have eggs or pancakes. Which of these is most like your answer?
  2. Your crush walks up to you do you
  3. You are most like a
  4. qweratiglgfjfgoih;ffi;gfi
  5. What is most desirable out of the objects below
  6. What color
  7. whatever word pops into your brain. Corn Red Hopping Zebra
  8. Happy Birthday
  9. Purple
  10. This is the end

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Quiz topic: How is my mental state?