How intellagent are you

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Are you smart? That's great but agree you A+++++ smart? That's the real question. I challenge you to this quiz so take it NOW! Like right right NOW!

Are you a Mr./Mrs. Smarty pants. Well than try this quiz and see if you actually are. Cause you might not be sure if you actually are a smarty pants.

Created by: Brooklyn
  1. Who was the first president of the U.S.
  2. Are dinasours real
  3. What shape is the Earth
  4. How old do you have to be to get your learners permit (in missouri)
  5. Who is Dr.Seuss
  6. Is a tomato a fruit
  7. What is 9+10
  8. What is a hexagon
  9. What age do you turn a pre-teen
  10. Why do you yawn

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Quiz topic: How intellagent am I