How HOT do you get?

Some people LOVE to have sex,some don't, some, in the middle. Some do it hot, some slow, and boring. Others, well, just in between. This is to determine what your stage is.

Do YOU like to get it on? Do you not? Do you enjoy it, but don't do it as hard as some would? This is to help decide what the field of sex is like for you.

Created by: Katie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you start?
  2. Where would you have it?
  3. Does he/she touch your personal parts?
  4. Your using a condom, what happens to it during the act?
  5. Lights?
  6. Do you kiss?
  7. Is there music?
  8. Do you make noise?
  9. How often do you have sex?
  10. What is your level?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How HOT do I get?