How hardcore of a gamer are you?

There are only 40 questions, sorry to all of you Mario, Halo, FF, Metal Gear, and any other gaming nuts. there are to many games and not enough questions to cover them all

How much of a oldschool / hardcore gamer are you? score well and you'll know. score poorly and you better get your ass on ebay. But your in luck, the current generation of systems lets you download classic games, DO IT

Created by: Jason

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. lets start out easy. In the game series "Legend of Zelda", what color was the special NES cartridge
  2. How many Donkey Kong games appeared on the NES?
  3. The Sega Genesis was one of the first consols to offer attatchments, what where they?
  4. This question is so easy, if you get it wrong, you will lose points: In the game series, Halo, what was the main Character's name?
  5. What other three paltforms where the Dreamcasts competition
  6. the following Japanese game's title was changed to what for an American port? "Rockman Complete Works: Rockman 2: The Enigma of Dr. Wily"
  7. In the Game "Mike Tyson's Punch Out", what was your boxer's name?
  8. What was the name of the Evil Organization in the original Contra?
  9. In the Original Contra, what was the name of the 2nd playable character?
  10. Which is NOT a Double Dragon Game
  11. In the RPG, "Dragon Lance", what are the heroes looking for?
  12. In the ORIGINAL phantasy star, who was Nero Brutally killed by?
  13. Which was not a boss in Donkey Kong Country?
  14. In the Game Doom, what happend at the end?
  15. In the Original Dead or Alive, which of the following Characters appeared in an additional game?
  16. When a robot was destroyed in Sonic The Hedgehog, what came out?
  17. In the game 1080 Snoboarding, which of the following is not a secret character?
  18. Conker's Bad furday was the only n64 game to recieve the M15+ rating, true or false?
  19. What was the 3 playable classes in Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance?
  20. Dark Cloud's evil character was...
  21. What was special about Dante's gun's in Devil May Cry?
  22. In Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, how many carpenters where held hostage in the Gerudo Fortress?
  23. Who voiced Tommy Vercetti in GTA: Vice City
  24. What was the highest completion percentage achievable in the first Gran Tourismo?
  25. in FFX, where does Tidus live?
  26. in Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, what happend once you beat, and started a new game?
  28. What is needed to get the Scarab Gun in Halo 2?
  29. in Gears of War, what was the liquid that cause the Wretches to explode when killed?
  30. What where the 3 streets in Paperboy?
  31. in "resistance: Fall of Man" what war never happend because of the Chimera invaion?
  32. in the game Dead Rising, what was the "kill 53,594 zombies" achievemnt supposed to represent?
  33. What are the 3 countries you fight for in Call of Duty 2?
  34. In the original Resident Evil, which character needed the snake antivenom?
  35. In the first Metal Gear Solid game, who was the villain who could read your mind, and by mind i mean your memory card?
  36. Which of the following is not a Metal Gear game?
  37. Shinra is the evil in which FF game?
  38. And the final question, this is a doosy... Zelda: Wand of Gamelon appeared on what console?

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Quiz topic: How hardcore of a gamer am I?