How goth are you?

Goths, emos, whatever...take this test to find out how goth you really are. IF YOU ARE A PREP GO TO HELL! Well now I guess you can go to the quiz if you want to....well GO ALREADY!

Is everyone callin you a goth? Are you tierd of saying I dunno? Take this easy quiz. It will only take a couple minutes of your pathetic life. Take the test, it'll only benifit you not me.

Created by: Robyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like Vampires, werewolves, and other dark creatures?
  2. Do you like the colors red and black?
  3. Do you know Who Gerard Way is?
  4. Do you like tomb stones?
  5. For Halloween you were, a. Vampire b. Faerie c. GERARD!
  6. Do you like bunnies or penguins
  7. Do you like bunnies of penguins
  8. Do you think you're a goth?
  9. Are you bi, straight, or other
  10. Why did you take this test?

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Quiz topic: How goth am I?