How good is your work ethic?

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There are many laborers out there but few that have a true work ethic. What is good work ethic? Good work ethic means you get the job done no matter what. And you get it done fast and good

Are YOU someone with good work ethic? If you think you have good work ethic take this quiz. If you fail my quiz maybe you can someday get it together.

Created by: Brennan
  1. How dependable are you?
  2. How much common sense do you have?
  3. Where's your cell phone when you're at work?
  4. What's your drug of choice?
  5. Why do you work?
  6. Which person do you admire most?
  7. What's your favorite sport to do?
  8. I am put in a situation where i have to volunteer for someone...
  9. Are you big? Can you lift heavy things for a long time?
  10. take a break

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Quiz topic: How good is my work ethic?