How good do you know the Dursleys?

The last 4 questions were from a website with Dursley questions and answers but the hair was based on Dudley from Marge’s point of view in the prisoner...

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Created by: Harry Potter
  1. How much of neck was Vernon Dursley in the first book?
  2. How many bedrooms did Dudley have in the first book but was mentioned in the second book though?
  3. What is Harry’s aunt called?
  4. Who is the person who’s sister is a witch?
  5. What happened to Uncle Vernon when Ron, Fred and George when they took Harry?
  6. Did Aunt Marge have a dog?
  7. Which Dursley was a muggle?
  8. Where do the Dursley’s live?
  9. What does aunt Marge call Dudley
  10. What colour hair does Vernon have?
  11. What colour hair does petunia have?
  12. What colour hair does Dudley have?

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Quiz topic: How good do I know the Dursleys?
