How good are your proofreading skills?

You notice typos and grammatical errors every day on signs, websites, emails - everything. Are people not bothering to proofread their work, or are they just not very good at proofreading?

Where do you fall in this spectrum? Do you catch every single mistake or do you just hit spell-check and hope for the best? Take the quiz to find out how good your proofreading skills are!

Created by: Vicki Monti
  1. Which sentence is correct?
  2. Which sentence is correct?
  3. Which sentence is correct?
  4. Which sentence is correct?
  5. Which sentence is correct?
  6. Which sentence is correct?
  7. Which sentence is correct?
  8. Which sentence is correct?
  9. Which sentence is correct?
  10. Which sentence is correct?

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Quiz topic: How good am Ir proofreading skills?