How good are you at minecraft?

Minecraft is a simple game in appearance. But beneath the pixelated blocks lies a complicated and time consuming creation. Only a few players know every single detail about it. And beyond the game itself lies a gigantic communitie with millions of members and thousands of youtubers.

My goal with this quiz was to create somehing unique, with many questions i never saw before. To get all the questions right you have to know a lot of things from all corners of the game. Good luck :^).

Created by: Asimoa
  1. In what months of 2009 was minecraft made?
  2. What server originally made bedwars?
  3. What does the observer block do?
  4. Wich one of these minecraft youtubers is know for being a god at pvp since the beginning?
  5. What did the 1.13 update add exept for the oceans?
  6. In java 1.8 pvp, what is the general advanage of clicking faster than your opponent?
  7. What does the comparator do?
  8. What youtuber is known for winning over 1400 bedwars games in a row?
  9. Who is often thaught of as the one that introduced the minecraft community to different bridging methods such as godbridge or moonwalk?
  10. What is "sprint resetting"?
  11. What is "triangulation"?
  12. What does the /execute command do?
  13. What does the /pardon do?
  14. What is generally considered as to be the most controversial update?
  15. What minecraft server recently got to the communites center of attention exploding in popularity? (the easiest question)

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Quiz topic: How good am I at minecraft?