How Girly Are You?

WHAT does girly mean? It means that you are usually wearing dresses or heels or cute clothing like that. There a lot of girly people out there somewhere.

Are YOU girly? Do YOU wear dresses or heels? Do YOU wear makeup? Well I will help you find out. If you want to know then find out by doing this quiz!!

Created by: Ester

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite store?
  2. How do you live?
  3. How many dresses do you where per week?
  4. How often per month do you go to the mall?
  5. Do you have a crush?
  6. Do you ware glasses?
  7. Do you like clothes shopping?
  8. What place do you like to visit?
  9. Do you like school?
  10. Do you think you are girly or not?

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Quiz topic: How Girly am I?