How geographically challenged are you?

I have been all over the world in my short lifetime and have come to the conclusion that many people are simply geographically challenged. Chances are that you are, but take this test to find out!

Are you a complete retard when it comes to geography? Have you ever looked at a map? I think we can find out in 5 minutes if you take this what are you waiting for??

Created by: Derek
  1. How many continents are there?
  2. Which of these lists three continents?
  3. Which of these are NOT a country's capital city?
  4. Which of these countries are NOT in the EU?
  5. Which of these counties are NOT in Africa?
  6. What is the most widely spoken mothertongue language in the world?
  7. What is the longest river?
  8. Which of these countries are NOT part of Scandinavia?
  9. Which one of these are NOT a sea
  10. What is the world's tallest mountain?
  11. Which of these are NOT a country?
  12. Which one of these are NOT in South America?
  13. Which of the following is NOT a country?
  14. BONUS QUESTIONS!! The next three questions are all EXTRA HARD!! Which of the following is NOT a country?
  15. Which of the following flags do not have the color RED in them?
  16. Which of the following was recently voted the "Greatest Place on Earth?"

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Quiz topic: How geographically challenged am I?