How gay are you?

People can be gay, and this quiz will help you find out how close you are to getting into bed with another one of the same sex. Created by Bob Freeman, and the following bit is too reach the minimum amount of characters.

People can be gay and not know it, so take this quiz and find out! Created by Bob Freeman, and the following bit is also too reach the minimum amount of characters.

Created by: The Laughing Man of Brain Contamination
(your link here more info)

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever been attracted to a member of the same sex?
  2. How much research have you done on this topic?
  3. Do you insult / hurt gay people?
  4. Do you use the word 'gay' in common speech, intending it as something other than 'homosexual' or 'happy'?
  5. What do you think your sexuality is?
  6. How did you find out about this quiz?
  7. Have you ever experimented with a member of the same sex?
  8. What do you do when someone enters a room?
  9. How big/small are your steps?
  10. What is the size of your pointer finger compared to your ring finger?
  11. What are your opinions on burping/farting?
  12. What do you think about the questions 10-13?

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Quiz topic: How gay am I?