how funny are you?

there are many funny people in this world but a few are true commedians.some one funny is some one who can make anybody laugh. take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.

take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.take it.

Created by: stephanie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your friends make a racist joke about yu what do yu do?
  2. your best friend signed you up for stand up comedy waht do you do up there?
  3. you get stuck in a akward situation with your ex and his or her new boo
  4. ok random questions now lets see if yu have a sence of humor..have yu ever been butt raped?
  5. were have yu been butt raped?
  6. do you think your funny?
  7. do you like this quiz
  8. were do yu spend the most time at?
  9. wat type of music do yu listen to
  10. do yu think dis is the last question

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Quiz topic: How funny am I?