How Fat Are You?

This is a quiz for people who want to get fatter. This is not a medically accurate quiz and is purely just for fun. Do not use this to define your body shape.

Also, this quiz comes from someone who's already fat and doesn't want to lose weight, so don't blame me if the lesser fat parts aren't very accurate lol

Created by: realt
  1. How easy it is to get up from your bed?
  2. What would your average meal at a McDonald's look like?
  3. You're at a buffet, and your friends are here with you. How would they react after you finish your meal?
  4. You have to climb a flight of stairs.
  5. What would happen if you sat in a regular chair?
  6. How big would you say your overhang is? (Looking from a mirror, camera etc)
  7. (For men only) How big are your moobs?
  8. What is your waist circumference?
  9. How long can you walk without stopping?
  10. What is your weight range? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: How Fat am I?

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