How fat are quiz skinny,normal,chubby,fat,obese

This test will give you a somewhat of idea on how fat you are. Please note it might be wrong and everyone is different. If you a quite body conscious maybe don't do the test however it is body positive.

What ever score you get does not affect you as a person we are all unique and everyone comes in different shapes and sizes and I'm certainly not coming from a place of judgement I'm fat myself. Enjoy the quiz

Created by: Alex
  1. Stand up look straight down what do you see?
  2. Sit down and lean towards how many rolls?
  3. How fast is your matabolism?
  4. What do you think you are?
  5. When does your belly jiggle?
  6. How big is you muffin top?
  7. Can you touch your toes?
  8. How big is you butt?
  9. Do you like your apperance?
  10. What does your doctor say?
  11. How !ugh exercise do you do in a week?

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