How familiar are you with Canterwood Crest? (Take the reins)

I'm Hannah Cookie, aka CCAgirl. Today I'm going to lead you through a short quiz about Jessica Burkhart's Take the reins. So, enjoy the quiz, and have fun!

This quiz only contains ten questions, but some of these ten are difficult, so please don't be offended, because you're gonna need to study the book beside you.

Created by: CCACookiegirl
  1. Hi there! Hannah Cookie here. Today we're just gonna jump right into this quiz. Start off easy. What is Sasha's horse's name?
  2. Another easy one. Who is Sasha's roommate?
  3. What are the names of the trio's members?
  4. Time to up our game a little. This one's trickier — what is the name of the miniature horse that Sasha and Callie dress up for the auction?
  5. Also a tricky one — what is Sasha's I'M name?
  6. Which of the following girls doesn't make the advanced team?
  7. What is the first question on Sasha's biology quiz?
  8. Which of the following is NOT a chapter in the book?
  9. What happens that makes Sasha think she doesn't make the advanced team?
  10. Alright, time to wrap it up . . . was this quiz good?

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Quiz topic: How familiar am I with Canterwood Crest? (Take the reins)
