How evil are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How evil are you?

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  • Average but close to evil,yeah not gonna lie I have a bad temper and really just like keeping to myself but I would always be there for my pets if they ever needed anything sense they never left me. I do donate money at times to animal shelters as well and try to give good advice when needed. I also though blow a fuse easily at people so I guess I am average even though I do wanna rule the world someday. Cool quiz mate.

  • i'm as evil as can be! =D

    marty boy
  • evil haha thats so true

    allaround crazy
  • angelic. gosh, i thought i was going to be average, cause sometimes i won't help mean people and i lose my temper sometimes.

  • How evil are you?
    Your Result: Angelic

    You are really nice. You help people in need. You're really generous. People probably really like you and respect that you're so nice. Congratulations!


    wow........i cant beleve i'm angelic, i consider myself evil. that's what my best friend calls me, but she thinks i'm fun cause of that. TEEHEE!!!!!!!!!!!

    x aka mrlq x
  • im average, but i can be sooooooooo mean, i like being mean to ppl that r mean 2 me only tho, its fun calling ppl names=)

  • Your Result: Average

    You have a temper, but you're still pretty nice. You're an average person this way. That's okay, though. You are still a pretty good person. You aren't perfect, but then, is anyone?

    I knew it! I really did. I know a few evil people in real life. Oh, but I know what I really hate a LOT. They should never have been created. LABLES!!!! Like, chav, nerd, redneck (whatever that is), emo, goth, punk, gangsta. If I could, I would get rid of them. What do we need them for?


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