How evil are you?

Hello again! I made another quiz and I think its good. >3 This quiz is about how evil you are. Nfnjoxnjodnojrnfjodnfjırnfıjn4ıjfd jvntıjfntojfnjotnfrtfo

I hope you enjoy and like it. Stay tuned for my other quizzes! Pıcjokfmrıo mfojefmfoıefkfprkpfkrıfktoıjtoıfjtoıjfkotkgoktmfoktjgıortjfıotjojtjguojıufjtıujfrtıu

Created by: Ceren
  1. U see a girl being bullied on the street. What do u do?
  2. Answer to this:I HATE YOU!!
  3. You see that your bff and another person are fighting, what do u do?
  4. In lesson time, some students are distracting you. What do you say?
  5. How many people do you dislike or hate?
  6. How do you take revenge?
  7. How many bad words do you know?
  8. Do you like this quiz? This does count!
  9. Do you think you’re evil?
  10. Your bff’s crush asks you to be his gf/her bf. Do u accept?

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Quiz topic: How evil am I?
