How Emo Are You?

There are many wonderful people out there. And quite a few start to question themselves. Whether you just like the music and clothes or you are truly like this, many of y'all think you might be emo. Take this quiz to find out!

Do you think you're emo? Well, take this quiz to find out! But remember, everyone is awesome no matter what anyone says. Be sure to leave a comment and like if you enjoyed this or saw an insight into your life!

Created by: the_gay_cupcake
  1. What type of clothes do you wear?
  2. Which one is close to your favorite colors?
  3. What kind of music do you listen to?
  4. Do you think you're anything like The Emo Song?
  5. How many friends do you have?
  6. How would people describe you?
  7. How do you view yourself?
  8. How do you view the world?
  9. What do you do in your free time?
  10. Are you happy with your life?

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Quiz topic: How Emo am I?