How Egyptian are you?

Forget about the ancients, there are real Egyptians out there just waiting to be acknowledged! You've probably tried dozens of quizzes to no avail as to who you really are. Egyptians are fun, carefree, and full of love!

How many Egyptians do you know? Are you one of them? You have finally found the perfect quiz for you! Take this quiz and find out if your habits are insane, or just Egyptian. Happy Quizzing!

Created by: shery
  1. You have at least 5 uncles named:
  2. Its 5 o'clock in the afternoon. What are you doing?
  3. You are invited to a party that starts at 7:30. What time should you get there?
  4. What was your favorite part of the party?
  5. Your going "back home" to visit family. What do you bring?
  6. Your grandmother back home knows and has informed "the family" about your car accident before your mother does
  7. Your favorite food is
  8. Ihab Towfeik and President Mubarak look so much alike that you secretly think they are the same person
  9. You know every Amr Diab song by heart since you were 9
  10. You Live in Egypt. How many times have you been to the pyramids?
  11. When you enter a dark room, what do you do?
  12. You talk to family over the phone and theirs a 5 second time lag
  13. When you tell people you are Egyptian, what is their reaction?
  14. Where is Egypt?
  15. You cant have a party without a belly dancer. you invite her to birthday parties, graduations, special occasions and weddings.
  16. Who in your family can bellydance?

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Quiz topic: How Egyptian am I?