how DERP are you?

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If you are a derp you chose the right answers and all that but if your not try another quiz maybe then you will win?thanks for taking the quiz!goodbye now

Do you qualify as a DERP? take this quiz now and you will find out if you are a derp!hope you like it and that you do good on 9ther quizzes too!thanks

Created by: Dustin Wagner
  1. What do DERPS eat?
  2. What color do DERPS love
  3. What's the best joke?
  4. Trampoline or pool?
  5. What do DERPS use in sentences?
  6. Are DERPS good at football?
  7. what does this mean in derp language?iderpderpeene and derasiasd
  8. Are you a derp?
  9. Derp?derp?derp?
  10. Go to the color one what did you choose?

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Quiz topic: How DERP am I?