How cultured are you?

Are you truly cultured, or are you just pretending to be. take my quiz and lets if you truly are who you think you are. i bet most of you will not pass.

It should be fairly easy. these are general knowledge questions and if you get any of them wrong there is something wrong with you. so take my test and see?

Created by: jack
  1. Who wrote Dracula?
  2. who was Henry the 8th.
  3. Shakespeare wrote?
  4. who created star wars?
  5. Who starred in the 1986 musical the phantom of the opera
  6. Who was the first actor to ever play James bond?
  7. Was the most dramatic death of the sixty's.
  8. Swan lake is a?
  9. Poe wrote what poem?
  10. Justin beepers music is?

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Quiz topic: How cultured am I?