How cuban are you

There are many spanish/cuban people , spanish-cuban language is quite hard to speak it good quick. It takes time to learn it if you were born in cuba then your amazing at spanish

Are you cuban? Do you know how to speak spanish perfectly do you know it very well. Until now you can wonder if there's any apps that would help you but you could take spanish class in school if they have it

Created by: Amanda
  1. What is on the cuban flag
  2. Do you like Fidel Castro
  3. What do Cubans say a lot
  4. What part of Cuba Were you born
  5. Do you know how to dance to cuban music
  6. How good do you know spanish
  7. How is cuba
  8. Is there school In cuba
  9. Do Cubans Wear crop tops and short shirts
  10. What music do they listen to almost all the time

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Quiz topic: How cuban am I