how crazy are you? by

"There are many stable people, but few crazy people.but we can exept all people. What is your crazy level? what does crazy actuly smean?cazy means when someone is unstable and are likely to break or fall to pieces.

do you think your crazy?do you want to prove me right or wrong?until now you could only predict if you was.but thanks to my new quiz you can see if your crazy or not,in minutes you could find out.

Created by: chloe crowley
  1. why are you taking this test?
  2. what is your best friend?
  3. what are you classified as
  4. what is your faviroute genre of music?
  5. what was your last dream about?
  6. what do you do in your free time
  7. are you enjoying this test
  8. do you think your crazy?
  9. what is your faviroute food
  10. what does your room look like?

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I? by