How crazy are you? :-3

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Hallo! Is crazy and amazing as you can tell cos I’m an amazing person! How are you? Why am I asking you that it’s not like I’ll know your reply or anything?

Anyway, this quiz will determine if you are crazy and, if you are, how crazy you are exactly. To get an accurate score, tell the truth and let out your inner crrraaaazzzzyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

Created by: An awesome person
  1. Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. What is your favourite
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. What letter does your name begin with?
  5. Do you like the Simpsons?
  6. What colour hair do you have?
  7. What is your favourite school subject?
  8. What sort of job do you have / what sort of job do you want?
  9. What is your favourite animal?
  10. Which of these would you most like to live in?
  11. What is your favourite sort of shop?
  12. Finally, how did you like this quiz (does not affect your score(or does it?......))

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I? :-3
