How Clever Are You?

We all know about intelligent. Intelligent is a person who gets good grades in school and gets 100% on tests. But clever, clever is different.

So are YOU clever? Are you a person who can spot trick questions and solve riddles? Until now you could only rely on family members or friends. But now there is this quiz! It will tell you if you are clever or not in only a few minutes!

Created by: GreyWolfLover
  1. Which of these is spelled correctly?
  2. Which is longest - 9:00pm-6:00pm, 9:00am-6:00pm, 6:00pm-9:00pm, or 6:00am-9:00pm?
  3. You throw frozen water onto ice. What are the two materials?
  4. You have three potions to use on your enemies. One is bad, one is worse, and one is horrible. Which one is worse?
  5. There are two languages: Hawaiian and Spanish. There are two words: Hola and Aloha. Match the word Aloha to its language.
  6. When does the saying 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life' apply?
  7. Did you notice anything about question 5?
  8. Mary and Sue went shopping. Mary spent 5$. Sue spent 3$. Sue gave Mary 17.35$. Sue gave Mary 00$. They both started with 20$. Who has more money?
  9. A woman was 37 years old when she died at birth. A woman was 21 years old and she died while giving birth. Which of these is not possible?
  10. Mary was 210lbs and she lost 50lbs. Carl was 250lbs and he lost 90lbs. Which of these scenarios are true?
  11. Thirty white horses in a red cave. Some, over the course of time, leave the cave. Speaking, whispering, murmurs, coughs, and other noises come from the tunnel in the cave. What am I?

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Quiz topic: How Clever am I?