how canadian are you?

thear are meany people in the world who think they could live as a canadain does, but can you? really? time to find out!!!how canadian are you!i hope you do good on this kick but quiz!try hard and read each question.good luck and have fun! so how canadiaon are you?

are you canadian? i doubt it, time to prove me wrong, and take this quiz.lets see how canadian you are!will you score high and beat the record?! or will you tank and bomb this quiz? take a chance and beat this thang!c'mon and lets see what you got!BRING IT!

Created by: aj
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how meany times have you been to canada?
  2. if you had 8 seconds, could you find canada on a map?
  3. have you ever said 'eh'?
  4. do you know anyone who lives in canada?
  5. do you want to move to canada?
  6. do you watch canadian shows?
  7. did you like this quiz?
  8. was your mom or dad born in canada?
  9. do you wish you were in canada right now?
  10. do you think i am from canada?

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