How bored of these quizzes are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How bored of these quizzes are you?

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  • Exactly! I know, right? I'm sick and tired of those "How (place random stupid word here) are you?" quizzes! I mean, they're based off of something nobody cares about! What's up with that?

  • so that is where they're all coming from? i wish they would stop, there were none of these how "whatever" are you quizzes a week and a half ago on here now they fill up the top 40 when they're not even good enough to be that high up and they pushed my quiz out of the top 40. This is the 3rd quiz i've seen like this by the way

  • Yay someone who agrees with me!! people have been having a go at me for saying how stupid it is.


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