How bored are you?

There are many levels of boredom,but very few people are actually bored to the maximum. Boredom, after all , is quite,well,BORING !!! Boredom or being bored is when you simply have nothing to do!

If you're bored , WHAT LEVEL of boredom ARE YOU ???!!!! Are you so bored that you would hang out with you ANNOYING SIBLING/COUSIN just to pass the time?

Created by: Taya
  1. Are you in the middle of no where?
  2. Do you have a device of your own?
  3. Are you the only one awake?
  4. This is not a question but here are some things to do,click the one you like most
  5. Do you have any sports or activities planned for today/tomorrow?
  6. What percentage of boredom would you give yourself right now?
  7. If you had $50,000 , what would you do with it?
  8. The rest of the questions will have nothing to do with boredom,it will just use up time
  9. If you were to build your dream mansion,where would you build it?
  10. What did you think of this quiz? (Please no hating In comments)

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Quiz topic: How bored am I?