how bored are you?

Find out just how bored you are and what you can do about that boredom...Find out just how bored you are and what you can do about that boredom...Find out just how bored you are and what you can do about that boredom...

Again. Find out just how bored you are and what you can do about that boredom...Find out just how bored you are and what you can do about that boredom...Find out just how bored you are and what you can do about that boredom...

Created by: deetz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many 'friends' pages have you gone to in the last half hour?
  2. You're hungry, what do you do?
  3. No one is online to talk to, you...
  4. Do you know how many profile views you have?
  5. Do you check people's away messages?
  6. You've checked your mail, myspace, and facebook, now what?
  7. Have you or will you take this survey more then once just to see the different outcomes?
  8. What made you take this survey?
  9. Which of the following have you done in the past half hour...
  10. Have you lied on this survey yet, just for the hell of it?
  11. Which of the following would you say u dislike the least...
  12. Are you sure you haven't lied?
  13. If you could be any of the following people who would you be?
  14. Does your house have a chimney?
  15. What color are your livingroom walls?
  16. How many switches are in your house?
  17. Do you hate me yet?
  18. How do you feel about this being the last question?
  19. okay second to last question, did you check any away messages during this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How bored am I?