How big of a book expert are you?

Hallo! We meet again! So...a new quiz? Yep. And what's this quiz about? A quiz about books! And how big a book expert you are. Yeah, yeah. I know that nowadays people prefer to sit on the couch 🛋️ like a couch potato and watch memes on their phone. But maybe there are still some who are crazy for books-like me!

There's such a large variety of books. From Lynda Mullaly Hunt's 'Fish in a Tree' and Ruskin Bond's timeless Himalayan Tales to J.K Rowling's 'Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone' and Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland' . From reality based books to fiction novels. Some enjoy reading and/or writing and drinking in the beauty of the books. Beauty indeed... Take this quiz to find out whether you are a book expert or not. For now, you are a quiz expert; or else how did you find this quiz!?

Created by: ASwirlOfMagic
  1. Hello 🤩 everyone!
  2. Ok. Are you ready to start with the quiz?
  3. Question Number 1: Who wrote the book 'The Discovery Of India'?
  4. What does 'K' stand for in J.K. Rowling?
  5. Who wrote the 'Great Gatsby'?
  6. What is the surname of the author of 'To Kill A Mockingbird'?
  7. When was 'Kidnapped'published?
  8. What was the sequel of Jerome K. Jerome's famous book 'Three Men In A Boat'?
  9. Who wrote the book'One Hundred years of Solitude'?
  10. What book of Charles Dickens was published in 1859?
  11. Bye!

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Quiz topic: How big of a book expert am I?