How Beautiful Are You? (for both genders) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Beautiful Are You? (for both genders).

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  • I love this quiz! I am a devout Christian too! Yes, I did get beat up in the fifth grade twice for being smart. God helped me through it.

  • I know this quiz is "rigged". That's how I made it! Everyone's beautiful.

  • Hey, this quiz is rigged! Wuteva you do, you're beautiful!

  • You are 100% Beautiful!

    Don't listen to the fashion "experts", the "hot" trends, or the fashion magazines! God made you the way He wants you to be. He brought together your parents and gave you the genes you have for a specific reason. It doesn't matter what your hair, skin, or eye colors are, or what color clothes or make-up you wear. If someone's picking on you for how you look, it's probably because they think they're hideous and don't want others focusing on their appearances. (Although, if you're overweight and out of shape, you might want to slim down and exercise a little bit every week, simply for HEALTH reasons. You don't want to die in your 30's, do you?) If anyone has a problem with how you look, then they have a problem with God.

    100% true

  • Great quiz! I am proud to say I am 100% beau-tif-ul! :D

  • This is the best quiz on the site! I loved what you said, it was all true. If anyone has a problem with how you look, then they have a problem with God_ that was a totally phraes. Awesome quiz. That's why I am proud to be an American, things like this. I give you a 5 out of 5 stars, great quiz.

  • Awww, I'm a hundred percent beautiful! So sweet. Loved the quiz, by the way.

  • You are 100% Beautiful!

    Don't listen to the fashion "experts", the "hot" trends, or the fashion magazines! God made you the way He wants you to be. He brought together your parents and gave you the genes you have for a specific reason. It doesn't matter what your hair, skin, or eye colors are, or what color clothes or make-up you wear. If someone's picking on you for how you look, it's probably because they think they're hideous and don't want others focusing on their appearances. (Although, if you're overweight and out of shape, you might want to slim down and exercise a little bit every week, simply for HEALTH reasons. You don't want to die in your 30's, do you?) If anyone has a problem with how you look, then they have a problem with God.

    Awesome quiz! ^.^

    Puppy xo1

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