How bad is my acne

You may add up to ten different results for your quiz, although it is recommended to keep the number to something more manageable. You may add up to ten different results for your quiz, although it is recommended to keep the number to something more manageable.

You may add up to ten different results for your quiz, although it is recommended to keep the number to something more manageable. You may add up to ten different results for your quiz, although it is recommended to keep the number to something more manageable.

Created by: Lilly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The other age question had no effect on the results so how old are you?
  2. How often do you wash your face?
  3. Do you eat a lot of chocolate?
  4. Did your parents have acne?
  5. Do you drink acohol?
  6. Are you embarrassed without make up/ foundation?
  7. How often do you touch your face ?
  8. Do you take or did you ever take accutane or raccutane?
  9. Did you like my quiz (has no effect )
  10. Bye

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