How awesome are you?

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Shadowla:OMG!Are ya awesome or not? me:Shut up!I'm the on who asks questions not YOU! Shadowla:Sorry miss me:It"s ok.People make mistakes all the time! Shadowla:Oh,OK!

me:So,are ya FABULOUS or NOT FABULOUS?So,watch out on what you say,k?I am more than likely prefer people who are smart but that doesn't matter!Just be nice during the quiz,k?

Created by: Savannah
  1. The best youtuber in the world is (your favorite is what I mean)
  2. Best video game EVER!
  3. The Best food you can think of
  4. Fate!
  5. Best animatronic EVUR
  6. Best song Not from fnaf
  7. Now favorite fnaf song
  8. Freebie
  9. Bye!
  10. Shadowla:HAHAHA!! (if u picked c nice job!) me:ANYWA- Springtrap:Favorite Fanfiction story?
  11. BYE

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Quiz topic: How awesome am I?